Tips for New Parents

Have a browse through our carefully prepared articles to help you through your parenting journey.

Introducing Your Baby To Your Pets: Part 3

So far we have covered preparation and introductions in previous posts. Now we need to set up a good routine...
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Introducing Your Baby To Your Pets: Part 2

Our previous post focused mostly on preparation, continuing this theme an important step to preparing your pet to meet...
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Introducing Your Baby To Your Pets: Part 1

Anytime a family dynamic changes the whole family must adjust to the new normal, this includes our beloved fur-babies.
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Disposable Vs Cloth Nappy

When it comes to the debate of Disposable vs cloth nappies the choice is purely personal. Each option has its pros and cons. NESST has put...
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Small/Premature Babies

Babies come in all shapes and sizes and no two are exactly the same. Your little bundle of joy came along a little smaller or a little earlier than expected.
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Car Seat Safety

Taking your little one out on their first car ride can be daunting. You may find yourself driving a little slower and checking the backseat often to make sure your child is OK.

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Pram Safety for Newborns

Taking your little one out and about for the first time can be surprisingly daunting. To make sure you are ready for your first adventure NESST recommends you follow these tips.
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Formula Feeding Guide

Whatever your reasons, wether you are unable or do not wish to breast feed there are alternatives to keep your baby as healthy and nourished as possible.
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Safe Sleeping

A cot in the parent's room is the safest place for your infant during their first year (0-12 months.) When putting your baby to bed there are some key points needed to ensure your baby is as safe as possible.

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Helpful items with breastfeeding

Breastfeeding your newborn is a wonderful and natural bonding experience between mother and child but it is not always as comfortable or a easy as it is made out to be.
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What to pack in your hospital bag

With the big day looming it is easy and common to feel overwhelmed or even anxious about what you do and do not need to pack in your hospital bag. To help you with this NESST has put together our recommendations on what to pack for expecting Mums and newborns.
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