What to pack in your hospital bag

With the big day looming it is easy and common to feel overwhelmed or even anxious about what you do and do not need to pack in your hospital bag. To help you with this NESST has put together our recommendations on what to pack for expecting Mums and newborns.

Hospital Bag Checklist

Comfortable sleep ware/clothing for post delivery, multiple pairs - mums can feel hot post delivery due to hormonal changes to lightweight sleep ware and dressing gown is best. Keep in mind breastfeeding access.

Breastfeeding Tops/Bras

Wireless, soft and nothing too tight. This is recommended for mothers who are planning to breastfeed and mothers planning to formula feed. Even if you are not planning to breastfeed, tight fitting bras and tops can be uncomfortable and lead to inflammation n the breast.

Supportive Underwear

Allow for more than one pair per day you anticipate staying in hospital due to postpartum bleeding. Some women helpful to provide tummy support post delivery.

Maternity Pads

Make sure to pack maternity pads


Easy to put on and comfortable footware is a must for moving around your room and hospital. Feet can swell pre and post delivery, consider this when choosing which shoes to pack.

Drink Bottle

Staying hydrated to essential to recover and breastfeeding.


Lip balm, tooth brush/toothpaste, hair ties, moisturiser, deodorant, soap.

Phone Charger

Don't forget to pack your phone charger!

Nursing Pads

Reusable or disposable. If you have sensitive skin or are prone to skin irritation, reusable ones changed frequently are recommend.

Notepad & Pen

Notepad and pen to write down information and questions or track feeds.


Car Seat installed well before delivery.


Cloth or disposable. Allow at least 6-8 per day plus a few extras just in case.

Baby Wipes

Make sure to pack baby wipes

Singlet and Onesies

Warm comfortable outfits are best for hospital stay plus a special going home outfit. Allow for 2 singlets and jumpsuits per day in case of soiling. If you suspect your baby may be on the smaller side pack a few 00000 outfits and cardigans.

Swaddles/Sleeping Bags and Blankets

Don’t bring anything heirlooms or sentimental items to hospital as they could be easily lost. Post delivery your baby will require a swaddle/sleeping bag and blanket to stay warm. Stretchy jersey wraps are easiest for wrapping a newborn although in warmer climates muslin wraps are recommended.

If Planning to Formula Feed

Bottles and teats, formula and a steriliser if you don’t have enough bottles to cover your expected stay. Small/slow flow teats are best for newborns.